Blackberry 9500 Autoloader / Firmware


The Blackberry 9500 Firmware often referred to as Blackberry Autoloader is used for flashing a soft or hard bricked blackberry phone, the autoloader can also be used for removing viruses or phone malfunction.

Blackberry 9500 Autoloader / Firmware

Below is the download link for Blackberry 9500 Autoloader.

Autoloader 9500-500-B230


How to flash Blackberry 9500 Autoloader 

Follow the below steps to flash Blackberry 9500
  1. Download and Blackberry Desktop Manager 
  2. Download Blackberry Autoloader above in the download section 
  3. Get an Original USB Cable 
  4. Open the Autolader you have download 
  5. Connect the phone to PC with the USB cable, doesn't matter if the phone is switched Off or On

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